Show Results

what a great start for 2025, at the Ambiorix Winner'25(B) with amazing results.
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Best Female
Best of Breed
Ambiorix Winner'25
Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch. Bellkore Sunshine Flame !!!
1 Exe
Best Male
Ambiorix Winner'25

new year and new shows. today finix and I participated in Genk HKV - 27th Ambiorixtrofee and achieved the following fantastic results
She won the next results:
first place excellent,
Reserve CAC ( but will turn in a full CAC)
second best female,
I am so proud of our girl Finix,
We want tot thank the judge Matejcic Jasna (Croatia) for her decisions and loving words.
Thank you HAIRDOCTORS for the amazing hair products.

at the International KerstshowGorinchem(Netherlands).
our own bred female won the next results:
Royal Sensation's Rising Sun AKA Gaya
At the age of 10 months old.
1 Exe
Best Female
owners: J.A van Lieshout Co owner: Delano van Lieshout
Breeder: J.A van Lieshout
Thank you to the Breed judge Ricky Lochs-Romans (NL) for recognizing the qualities of our dog.

We close our show year in the Netherlands at the Christmas show with in the champion class
first place excellent
Best Opposite Sex
all CACs to become champion (unfortunately still too young)
third place in the WOW competition
Super proud of our Multi youth and Multi Champion Finix and many thanks to Joop van Lieshout for trusting me as a handler of his girl
Owners of Finix: Joop and Laura van Lieshout
Co-owner, shown and groomed: Dempsy van Lieshout
Hair products from:HAIRDOCTORS

1-12-2024 we wrote history ,for the first time at the biggest show in the Netherlands The Winner'24 we were allowed to participate in group 11.
Our Multi Ch. Lotja aka Lilly achieved
Best In Show non FCI
1 Exe
Double CAC
Best Female
Lotje is owned by me Co-owned by Netty Dekkers
Breeder: Natasja Isakova
Thank you to the Breed judge Mrs. Tatjana Urek (Slovenia) And (BIS) Mr. Rob Douma (The Netherlands)for recognizing the qualities of our dog.

What a super weekend, on the dog show from Verband Deutscher Kleinhundezüchter e.V. Dorfhain Landessieger Sachsen(D) with some amazing results.
Sunny has won his 31th title
Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame !!!
2 times 1 Exe
2 times CAC VDH and CAC VK
2 Times Best Male
„Landessieger Sachsen“24
1 Times BOB
Thanks to the Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich
We are so proud
Thank you to the judges: Mrs. Silke Rodmann (D) and Mr. Peter Machentanz (D) for recognizing the qualities of our dogs.

What a super weekend, on the dog show from Verband Deutscher Kleinhundezüchter e.V. Dorfhain Landessieger Sachsen(D) with some amazing results.
Lilly has won her 50th title
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
2 times 1 Exe
2 times CAC VDH and CAC VK
2 Times Best Female
„Landessieger Sachsen“24
1 Times BOB
Lotje is owned by me Co-owned by Netty Dekkers
Breeder: Natasja Isakova

And we are back home from the luevanium troffee in Belgium.
Multi junior and multi champion Finix did it amazing in the open class and won the next results.
first place excellent,
reserve best female,
reserve CAC,
I want to thank the judge Vincent O’Brien for the loving words and seeing the qualities of my girl Finix.
Thank you Joop van Lieshout and Laura van Lieshout for trusting me with your beautiful girl.
Owners: Joop and Laura van Lieshout
Co-owner, handler and groomer : Dempsy van Lieshout

on the 83ste International dog show Karlsruhe(D) with some amazing results.
Our King Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it again!!!!!!
1 Exe
Best Male
„Baden-Württemberg Sieger“83e edition
Thanks to the Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich
We are so proud
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Best Female
„Baden-Württemberg Sieger“83e edition

on the 82ste International dog show Karlsruhe(D) with some amazing results.
Our King Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it!!!!!!
1 Exe
Best Male
„Baden-Württemberg Sieger“82e edition
Thanks to the Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich
We are so proud
Our Queen did it !!!!!
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Best Female
„Baden-Württemberg Sieger“82e edition

on the 82ste International dog show Karlsruhe(D) with some amazing results.
Our King Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it!!!!!!
1 Exe
Best Male
„Baden-Württemberg Sieger“82e edition
Thanks to the Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich
We are so proud
Our Queen did it !!!!!
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Best Female
„Baden-Württemberg Sieger“82e edition

at the 52nd international dog show Maastricht multi jr and multi ch. fenix and I showed her socks off. She got the next amazing results:
place excellent,
reserve best female
reserve CAC but will turn in a full CAC
We want to thank the judge Anita Gielisse for the loving words and seeing the qualities of our beautiful Finix.

At the 51st international dog show Maastricht multi jr and multi ch. fenix and I made our debut in the champion class.
and what great results we were able to achieve.
She won:
place excellent,
best female,
And for the first time we where in the main ring and we achieved the 4th place of the NON FCI breeds.
We want to thank the judge Kevin Naeff for the loving words and seeing the qualities of our beautiful Finix.

What a super weekend, we had the national dog show Rotterdam (NL) with some amazing results.
Our Queen and King did it again!!!!!
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
CAC and best Female
Lotje is owned by me Co-owned by Netty Dekkers
Breeder: Natasja Isakova

What a super weekend, we had the national dog show Rotterdam (NL) with some amazing results.
Our King Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it also!!!!!!
1 Exe
CAC and Best Male
Thanks to the Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich

and we are back home from the show. today we were at the dog show rotterdam and finix was allowed to walk in the intermediate class.
She won the next amazing result:
first place excellent.
We are so proud of her and she did it amazing.
I want to thank the judge Erwin Manders (NL) for the lovely words.
Owners: Joop van Lieshout and Laura van Lieshout
Co -owner: Dempsy van Lieshout
Handler and groomer: Dempsy van Lieshout

CAC/VK & Landessiegerschau NRW'24
24 and 25 August 2024
Thank you Bo de Bruijne for all your help with Sunny, you did wonderful .
Multi Ch. Bellkore Sunshine Flame.
Best male verbansdsieger'24 NRW
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly.
Best Female & BOB
Verbandssieger'24 NRW
Thank you to the Judge Mr.Simon Rooney (IRL)!

we had 2 specialties and did it again. On the Biewer Terrier Specialtie from the Dutch Yorkshire Terrier Vriendenclub.
Our boy Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it!!!!!!
1 Exe double CAC
Best Male
Best of Breed on Specialty
And Club Winner'24
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe double CAC
Best Female
And On the Dutch Terrier Specialty from the NTU.
Our boy Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it!!!!!!
1 Exe CAC
Best Male
Best of Breed on NTU Specialty
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe CAC
Best Female

Owww yes what a successful weekend, we had the Verbandssiegerschau des VK In Nidda(Germany) with some amazing results.
Our Queen did it again!!!!!
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe CAC
Best Female and BOB
Our boy Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it also!!!!!!
1 Exe
Best Male
These are the first two Biewers ever who have achieved this, we are so proud

And we are back from the golden dog trophy show in Belgium. Finix did an incredible good job. She won the next amazing results:
first place excellent,
second best female,
reserve CAC,
We want to thank Jos de Cuijper (BE) for his loving words and compliments.
Owners: Joop van Lieshout and Laura van Lieshout
Co-owner: Dempsy van Lieshout
Handler and groomer: Dempsy van Lieshout

we had a show at the Brabants Rashondenfestival CAC - OUTDOOR. My beautiful Multi Jr and Ch. Finix won the next results:
First place excellent,
thank you judge Jos Dekker (NL) for the lovely words and seeing the qualities of my girl.
Owner: Joop van Lieshout and Laura van Lieshout
Co-owner: Dempsy van Lieshout
Handler and groomer: Dempsy van Lieshout
Hairproducts: HAIRDOCTORS

Owww yes what a successful day, at dogshow De Utrecht in Papendal(Netherlands) with some amazing results.
Our boy Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it !!!!!!
1 Exe
Best of Breed
Res. Best In Show NON FCI
Thanks to the Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich
Speciale Thank to Bo de Bruijne for show him perfect in the main ring, you did great.

Owww yes what a successful day, at dogshow De Utrecht in Papendal(Netherlands) with some amazing results.
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Lotje is owned by me Co-owned by Netty Dekkers
Breeder: Natasja Isakova
Thank you to the judge Mr. Hans van den Berg for recognizing the qualities of our dogs.
Thank you HAIRDOCTORS for the great hair products.

And we are done with our showweekend. We ended our day in Papendal with our beautiful diamond finix
She won today:
second place excellent.
Owners: Joop van Lieshout and Laura van Lieshout
Co-owner: Dempsy van Lieshout
Groomed and shown: Dempsy van lieshout
Hairproducts by HAIRDOCTORS
Thank you judge Hans van den Berg for the lovely words.

And we are back home from our first show this weekend. We participated at the LKV dogshow Genk. Our multi champion finix won the next results in the openclass
second place excellent,
reserve CAC,
reserve Best female
We are very proud of her. Thank you mister Jos de cuyper for the wonderful and loving words.
Owners: Joop and Laura van Lieshout
Co-owner: Dempsy van Lieshout
Shown and groomed: dempsy van Lieshout

Owww yes what a successful weekend, Unfortunately a lot of rain the first day but that doesn't spoil the fun at the outdoor dogshow weekend in Aarau'24(Switzerland) with some amazing results.
Our Queen did it again!!!!!
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
New Swiss Champion'24
Aplhen Sieger'24
Lotje is owned by me Co-owned by Netty Dekkers
Breeder: Natasja Isakova
Our boy Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it also!!!!!!
New Swiss Champion'24
Thanks to the Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich
These are the first two Biewers of the Netherlands who have achieved this, we are so proud

we went to Dogshow Eindhoven and our Queen did it again!!!!!
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Best Female
Best of Breed
Lotje is owned by me
Co-owned by Netty Dekkers
Breeder: Natasja Isakova

we went to Dogshow Eindhoven and our girls were able to shine.
our Yorkshire terrier Royal Sensation's power of the moon debuted for the first time in the minor baby class and won the next results:
First place very promissing
Best minor Puppy
Owner: Dempsy van Lieshout
Co-owner and breeder: Joop van Lieshout

And our Queen did it again!!!!!
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
Day one,
1 Exe
Best Female
Best of Breed
Hop Queen '24
Hop Epress '24
Day two,
1 Exe.
Best Female
Lotje is owned by me
Co-owned by Netty Dekkers
Breeder: Natasja Isakova

we are back from an real amazing weekend in Wieze(Belgium) and Dortmund(Germany) with some amazing results.
Our dream team had again a great success.
Our boy Multi Jr. Ch & Multi Ch.Bellkore Sunshine Flame got.
Day one,
1 Exe.
Best Male
Hop Prince '24
Hop Emperor '24
Day two,
1 Exe.
Owner: Joop van Lieshout
Thanks to the Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich

and we are back home from a Pinkster show in Gorinchem. both girls did great. I am very proud of them!
Finix won in the open class the next results:
first place excellent
reserve best female
reserve CAC but this one will turn in a full CAC
Owner: Joop van Lieshout and Laura van Lieshout
Co-owned en handler: Dempsy van Lieshout
Breeder: Natasja Isakova

and we are back home from a Pinkster show in Gorinchem. both girls did great. I am very proud of them!
Showtime aka Sakura won the next results in the intermediate class:
first place excellent
Owners: dempsy van Lieshout and Bas Bruins
Co-owner: Joop van Lieshout
Breeder: Natasja Isakova

show 3 this pinkster weekend and we had a great day at International Breed Dog Show,49e Pinkstershow Gorinchem(NL)!
And our Queen did it again!!!!!
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Best Female
Best of Breed
Thank you to the judges Ineke Zwaartman-Pinste(Breed) and Hildeward Hoenderken(Group) for recognizing the qualities of our dogs.

show 3 this pinkster weekend and we had a great day at International Breed Dog Show,49e Pinkstershow Gorinchem(NL)!
Our dream team had again a great success.
Our boy Multi Jr Ch Bellkore Sunshine Flame got.
1 Exe
Best Male
Owner: Joop van Lieshout
Thanks to the Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich

And we made history on the club show in Baden Baden (Germany). It was the first show ever in Germany for the Biewers since their admission. We won this first show the BOB with Lotje aka Lilly
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Vdh Cac
Cac VK
Best Female
Best of Breed
And 4e Best in Show
Lotje is owned by me

And we made history on the club show in Baden Baden (Germany). It was the first show ever in Germany for the Biewers since their admission. We won this first show BOS with Sunny in Germany!!!!!!
Multi Jr. Ch. Bellcore Sunshine Flame
1 Exe.
Vdh cac
Cac VK
Best Male
Owner: Joop van Lieshout
Breeder: Татьяна Тарасевич

Yes he did it again today at the 56 International Breed Dog Show, Gent (B)!
Our dream boy had great success again.
Our boy Multi Jr. And Multi Ch. Bellcore Sunshine Flame got.
1 Exe cac
Best Male
Best of Breed
Best Nationale recognized Breed
Owner: Joop van Lieshout
Breeder: Татьяна Тарасевич
Thank you to the judges Mrs R. Roman(The Netherlands) for recognizing the qualitie of our dog.

And we are home again after a beautiful weekend in Zeeland Goes. very proud of what my girls achieved at the KC Zeeland show.
Multi ch. Showtime won the next results.
first place very good
Multi ch. Finix won the next results:
second place excellent,
Reserve CAC
Judge: Wim Wellens thank you for the amazing results.

we had a great day at the 55 International Breed Dog Show, Gent (B)!
Our dream boy had great success again.
Our boy Multi Jr. And Multi Ch. Bellcore Sunshine Flame got.
1 Exe cac
Best Male
Best of Breed
Best Nationale recognized Breed
Owner: Joop van Lieshout
Breeder: Татьяна Тарасевич
Thank you to the judges Mr Jos de Cuyper(België) for recognizing the qualitie of our dog.

We still are over the moon, our boy Multi Ch. Bellkore Sunshine Flame did it great this weekend on the Balkan.
He won all day's Best Of Breed and did won BIS non Fci !!!!!!
He got the next results,
CH Montenegro
Grand CH Montenegro
CH Balkan
CH Mediterrean
CH Adriatic
CH Yugoslavia
Adriatic Winner 2024
Owner: Joop van Lieshout
Breeder: Татьяна Тарасевич

We had a great day at International Breed Dog Show, Brabo Antwerpen (B)! 21/04/2024
Our dreamteam had great successes again.
Our boy Multi Jr Ch Bellcore Sunshine Flame got.
1 Exe cac
Best Male
Best of Breed
Best Nationale recognized Breed
Owner: Joop van Lieshout
Breeder: Татьяна Тарасевич

We had a great day at International Breed Dog Show, Brabo Antwerpen (B)! 21/04/2024
our girl Multi Champion Finix got the next results,
First place excellent,
BOS ( Best Opposite Sex),
Best Female,
Owner: Joop van Lieshout and Dempsy Van Lieshout
Showed and groomed: Dempsy Van Lieshout
Breeder: Natasja Isakova
Thank you to the judges E. Patterson (Ierland ) for recognizing the qualities of our dogs.

We had a great day at International Breed Dog Show, KV Rijnland(NL)!Our dream team had great success again.
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Best Female
Best of Breed
New Rijnland Grand Star 2024
Lotje is owned by me
Co-owned by Netty Dekkers
Breeder: Natasja Isakova

We had a great day at International Breed Dog Show, KV Rijnland(NL)!
Our dream team had great success again.
Our boy Multi Jr Ch Bellcore Sunshine Flame got.
1 Exe jr cac
Best junior
Best Male
New Rijnland Junior Star 2024
Owner: Joop van Lieshout
Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich

And we are home again after an amazing show at the dog show Rijnland in the Netherlands. Both girls showed their socks of again!!!
Multi ch. Showtime aka Sakura won the next results:
first place excellent
Owners: Dempsy van Lieshout and Bas Bruins
Co-owner: Joop van Lieshout
Breeder: Natasja Isakova

And we are home again from Luxembourg with the next results at the 109th and the 110th International Dog Show.
Two times first place excellent
Two times CACL
One time Best Female
One time second best female
NEW Champion of Luxemburg'24
owners: Dempsy van Lieshout and Joop van Lieshout

And we are home again from Luxembourg with the next results at the 109th and the 110th International Dog Show.
Two times first place excellent
Two times CACL
One time Best Female
One time second best female
NEW Champion of Luxemburg'24
owners: Dempsy van Lieshout and Bas Bruins

And we are home again from Luxembourg and we won the next results at the 109th and the 110th International Dog Show.
Multi Jr Ch Bellcore Sunshine Flame
Two times excellent and tw times junior CAC
Two times Best Junior
Two times best male
Two times Best of Breed
NEW Junior Champion of Luxemburg'24
owner : Joop van Lieshout

And we are home again from the schaal der Kempen dogshow in Weelde(Belgium).
And they did it again today!!!!!!
Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly
1 Exe
Best Female
Best of Breed
Thank you judge Cathy Delmar for recognizing the qualities of my dogs.

And we are home again from the schaal der Kempen dogshow in Weelde(Belgium).
And they did it again today!!!!!!
Multi Jr. Ch. Bellcore Sunshine Flame
1 Exe. Junior cac
Best Junior
Best Male
Thank you judge Cathy Delmar for recognizing the qualities of my dogs.

And we are home again. Showtime aka Sakura showed her socks off at the schaal der Kempen dogshow in Weelde. She won the next results today:
second place very good
The judge had wonderful words about my girl. Thank you judge Cathy Delmar for recognizing the qualities of my little girl

We started 2024 in The Netherlands at the Martini Dogshow Groningen (Holland Cup'24) Showtime aka Sakura won the next results
first place excellent
junior cac
Holland cup junior winster 2024
reserve cac (but will turn in a full cac)
Cruffs qualification

We started 2024 in The Netherlands at the Martini Dogshow Groningen (Holland Cup'24) with a Big Bang.
"Jr. Ch. Bellcore Sunshine Flame"did it again
1 Exe. Jr. CAC
Best Junior
Best Male
Crufs Qualification
NEW Dutch Junior Champion
NEW Holland Cup Junior winner'24
NEW Holland Cup winner'24

We started 2024 in The Netherlands at the Martini Dogshow Groningen (Holland Cup'24) with a Big Bang.
Multi Ch. & Jr. Champion Lotje (aka Lilly)!!
1 Exe.
New Holland Cup winster'24
Best of Breed
Best National Breed
Crufs Qualification
Res. Best in Show non FCI

WOW we started 2024 with a Big Bang. Showtime aka Sakura did it amazing at Genk HKV - 26th Ambiorixtrofee 13-01-2024
She won the next result:
First place excellent,
best female,
NEW Ambiorix Junior winster '24

What a wonderful way to start this year!!
At Genk HKV - 26th Ambiorixtrofee 13-01-2024 !!!!!!!!!!
Our Boy Multi Ch. & Jr. Ch. Alegriya Grande Canty
NEW Ambiorix winner'24
Owner : Joop van Lieshout
Thank you Anna Kalko for this wonderful boy

What a wonderful way to start this year!!
At Genk HKV - 26th Ambiorixtrofee 13-01-2024 !!!!!!!!!!
"Jr. Ch. Bellcore Sunshine Flame"did it again
1 Exe. Jr. CAC
Best Junior
Best Male
Best of Breed
NEW Ambiorix Junior winner'24
We are so proud of our little boy!!!
Owner: Joop van Lieshout
Breeder: Tatsiana Tarasevich

What a wonderful way to end this year!!
Yesterday at the HVR Christmas show'23
"Jr. Ch. Bellcore Sunshine Flame"did it again
1 Exe. Jr. CAC
Best Junior
Best Male
Best of Breed
And Best in Show non FCI Genk'23

We ended our show year at HVR GENK Christmas show. Junior champion showtime aka Sakura ended her year with amazing results. So proud of her we achieved so much in not even six months
She won the next result yesterday.
Second place excellent

They did it again at Brussels dog show 2023 (Belgium)the second day.
Multi Ch Alegria Grande Canty
Best of Breed
Belgium winner'23
Jr. Ch Bellcore Sunshine flame
Belgium junior winner'23
Multi Jr Ch Finix
Belgium junior winner'23
Multi Ch Lotje aka Lilly
4 cac's
And again Best of Breed

Tik tak to three new Champions on a row.
New Belgian champion and new Belgian champion BTCB Multi Ch. Lotje aka Lilly.
New Belgian junior champion and new Belgian junior champion BTCB Jr. Ch. Finix.
New Belgian junior champion and New Belgian junior champion BTCB Bellcore Sunshine flame.

We ended an amazing weekend in Brussel at the Brussels dog shows. She won the next amazing results:
At the 129 Brussels dog show:
second place excellent
At the 130th Brussels dog show:
first place excellent
two times CAC

Our weekend started with a big bang in Brussel at the Brussels dog shows. Showtime debuted for the first time in the intermediate class. She won the next amazing results:
At the 127th Brussels dog show:
first place excellent
two times CAC
crufts qualification
At the 128th Brussels dog show:
first place excellent
two times CAC

The last show of the year in the Netherlands at the Christmas show Gorinchem, and wow we ended it with an amazing bang. Showtime ended the show with amazing results. I never thought that I would win this at an young age.
First place excellent in the junior class
Best female

At the last show of the year in the Netherlands at the Christmas show Gorinchem, and wow we ended it with a Big bang.
Bellkor Sunshine Flame , did it with a Best in Show !
1 Exe.
Junior CAC
Best Male
Best of Breed
Best Nationale Recognizing Breed
Best in Show non FCI Gorinchem'23

Our Boy Multi Ch. & Jr. Ch. Alegriya Grande Canty did it!!
At the International Dutch Winner show '23 in Leeuwarden.
Dutch Winner '23
Crufts Qualification
Best of Breed
Best Nationale Recognizing Breed

At the Winner Show in Leeuwarden did Showtime aka Sakura achieved the following great results at the winner 2023.
first place excellent
junior CAC
NEW junior winner 2023
Crufts qualification.

at the international Dogshow the Fryslan cup winner show in Leeuwarden , Multi Ch. & Jr. Champion Lotje (aka Lilly) won the next results.
2 Exe.
Res. CAC
New Champion of the Netherlands '23!!

Bellkor Sunshine Flame , achieved on his first show in Holland.
at the Fryslan cup winner show in Leeuwarden. he won the next results.
1 Exe.
Junior CAC
Best Male
Fryslan Cup Junior Winner '23
Fryslan Cup Winner '23

showtime aka Sakura won the next results at the Fryslan cup winner show in Leeuwarden.
She won:
first place excellent,
Junior CAC,
NEW Fryslan cup junior winster 2023
Best junior

Sometimes dreams do come true
At the international Dogshow Herning(Denmark)
Jr. Champion Finix
2 Exelent in Junior class

Sometimes dreams do come true
At the international Dogshow Herning(Denmark)
Bellkor Sunshine Flame , achieved on his second show !
1 Exelent in Junior class

Sometimes dreams do come true
At the international Dogshow Herning(Denmark) they did it for the first time, Biewers from the Netherlands became Danish champions
Multi Ch. & Jr. Champion Lotje (aka Lilly)!!
1 Exe.
Best Female
Best of Breed(BIR)
New Danish Champion '23!!

Sometimes dreams do come true
At the international Dogshow Herning(Denmark) they did itfor the first time, Biewers from the Netherlands became Danish champions
Ch. & Jr. Ch. Alegriya Grande Canty (aka Kenny)!!
Excellent 1
Res. Best Male
New Danish Champion '23

What a great start for our new star.
At the internationale Dog Show Leuven our new boy made his start with a bang.
Bellkor Sunshine Flame , achieved on his first show with 9 months old !
1 Exe.
Junior CAC
Best Junior
Best Male

We are back and she did it again at the lovanium trophy show in Leuven. She ended the day with a big bang
Multi Ch. & Jr. Champion Lotje (aka Lilly) won the nest results:
1 Excellent
Best Female
Best of Breed

I am so proud of the sweetest finix. We are back and she did it again at the lovanium trophy show in Leuven. She ended the day with a big bang
First place excellent
Best junior female
Junior CAC

Saterday 21-10-23 at the International Dog Show Bleiswijk(NL) we did see how our Multi Ch. & Jr. Champion Lotje aka Lilly won the next results:
1 Exe.
Best Female
Best of Breed

Sunday 08-10-23 at the International Dog Show Mons(B) !!
Multi Ch. & Jr. Champion Lotje (aka Lilly)!!
1 Exe.
Best Female
Best of Breed
Wallonia Winner'23

Sunday 08-10-23 at the International Dog Show Mons(B)
we won the next results wit our Jr. Champion Finix the result:
first place very good
and junior CAC

We had a wonderful week and lots of shows . First we went to Bosnia in Herzegovina to show 4 times after these shows we drove on to Croatia and we had again 4 times show.
Our little champion Girl Multi Ch. Lotje (AKA Lilly) Achieved!!!!!!
Champion Federation Bosnia in Herzegovina'23
Champion Bosnia in Herzegovina'23
Grand Champion Bosnia in Herzegovina'23
Domaljevac Winner'23
Champion Croatia'23
4 Times Best in Show non FCI
Bosnia in Herzegovina'23
7 Times BOB
1 Time BOS

How proud can I be of showtime aka Sakura. She did show her socks of at the MHSV Dogshow Maastricht.
On Saturday she won the next results:
first place excellent,
best junior female,
best junior dog,
On Sunday she won the next results:
first place excellent,
best junior female,
best junior dog,
Reserve CAC

At the Dogshow Zwolle on the 9th of September we did see how our boy Multi Ch. Royal Sensation's Sunshine won the next results
first place Excellent
Best Male
Best of Breed

At the Dogshow Zwolle on the 9th of September we did see how
Multi Ch. & Jr. Champion Lotje (aka Lilly) won the next results:
first place Excellent
Best Female
Best of Breed

At the dogshow Zwolle on the 9th of September we did see how showtime won the next results:
She won:
first place excellent
Best junior female

at the national Dog Show Genk we did see how Multi. Ch. Lotje won the next results
For the first time ever in the Benelux Multi. Ch.Lotje won the Terrier Group !!!
first place Excellent
Best Female
Best of Breed
Best in group from the Terrier's

at the National Dogshow Genk did we see how showtime won the next results .She did show her socks of the last few weeks not even one year old and We finished our junior classes in Belgium with a bang.
She won:
first place excellent
Best junior female
Best junior dog
NEW Belgium Junior Champion
NEW Belgium Junior Club ChampionB.T.B.C

At the National Dogshow Genk we did see how Ch. & Jr. Ch. Alegriya Grande Canty (aka Kenny) won the next result:L
first place Excellent
Best Male
New Begian Champion '23
New Belgian Club Champion BTCB '23

At the Dogshow Mechelen on august 20th at the Rombouts cup we vdid see you Showtime aka Sakura won the next results:
first place excellent
best junior female
Rombouts cup junior winster 2023

At the Dogshow Mechelen on august the 20th at the Rombouts cup winner show we did see how Lotje won the next results:
first place excellent,
best female
Rombouts cup winner 2023
Best Of Breed
Best in show non FCI

At the Dogshow Mechelen on august the 20th at the Rombouts cup winner show we did see how Kenny won the next results:
first place excellent,
Best male
Rombouts cup winner 2023

At the Dogshow Mechelen on august 19th we did see how Lotje won the next results at the Belgium terriër special show.
first place excellent,
Best female
Belgium top terriër 2023
Best Of Breed
Best in show non FCI

At the Dogshow Mechelen august 19th we did see how Kenny won the next result at the Belgium terriër special show.
First place excellent,
Best male
Belgium top terriër 2023

At the Dogshow Rotterdam we did see how our boy
Mutli Champion Alegriya Grande Canty (aka Kenny) won the next results:
First place excellent
Best Male
And NEW Dutch Champion'23

At the Dogshow Rotterdam we did see how our boy Multi Champion Royal Sensation's Sunshine won the next results:
First place excellent
Best Male
Best of Breed

At the Dogshow Rotterdam we did see how Multi Champion Lotje (aka Lilly) won the next results:
First place excellent
Best Female
Best of Breed

on the open Dogshow Dulle Griet '23 she did it again !!!
Multi Champion and Junior Champion Lotje (aka Lilly) won the next results
first place excellent
Best Female
Best of Breed

At the International Dogshow Golden Trofee'23 our
Multi Ch. & Jr. Champion Lotje (aka Lilly)!!
first place excellent
Best Female
Best of Breed

At the the International Dogshow Golden Trofee'23 our
Boy Multi Ch. Royal Sensation's Sunshine won the next results
first place Excellent,
Reserve CAC and Reserve CACIB

At the special terrier show Luxembourg 9-7-23
Did we see how Finix won the next results
First place excellent
Best Junior
and new Luxembourg Junior Champion '23

Internationale Dogshow Genk op 25-6-23
did we see how Showtime aka Sakura won the next results
first place excellent
best junior dog

internationale Dogshow Genk op 25-6-23 did we see how multi ch. and junior champion Lotje aka Lilly won the next results.
first place excellent
Best famele
Best of all Biewers
and for the first time ever she won main ring Non FCI

Internationale Dogshow Genk op 25-6-23 did we see how multi ch. Royal Sensation's Sunshine won the next results.
first place Excellent
Best Male
NEW International Champion